Tue26Mar202409:00 CET/10:00 EETOnline
International continued scientific conference ”Environmental sustainability in a climate change context: challenges and adaptation”
5th section: “Advancements in technology and innovation for sustainable and resilient agriculture”
March 26, 2024, h. 10 - 12 a.m. Eastern European Time
On March 26, the 5th section of the continuous online scientific conference entitled "Advancements in technology and innovation for sustainable and resilient agriculture" will be held. Three presentations will be presented by dr. agr. Livija Zarina, Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics (AREI), Priekuli Research Centre, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jonas Volungevičius with coauthors, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Vilnius University, and dr. Rita Armonienė, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry.
To participate in the conference, please register at the link below. Only to registered participants will be sent a link to join the event.
Registration for participation: https://forms.gle/3Kdd1yyTsxfZbFTQ8
Contacts: agne.versuliene@lammc.lt, danute.karcauskiene@lammc.lt
For further information please visit the Programme