NJF Nordic Agricultural Congress 2022
Onward in Agriculture
Selfoss, Iceland, September 27-29, 2022
Dear colleagues and friends,
We cordially welcome you to Iceland and the 27th NJF Congress 2022 – Onward in Agriculture!
The NJF – Nordic Association of Agricultural Science was founded in 1918 as the first Nordic based association for cooperation between scientists involved with agriculture. We have recently celebrated our first 100 years and plan to continue our work – thus we find “Onward in Agriculture” being a suitable theme for our centennial jubilee congress.
Our last congress was held in 2018 in Lithuania, celebrating the 100 year anniversary of the NJF. In 2022 we also have several other reasons to meet – beside those of exchanging information, we look forward to meeting new colleagues, and being introduced to Icelandic agriculture.
In 2022 we will commemorate the 250th anniversary of a scientific expedition to Iceland by, among others, the Swedish botanist and apostle of Linnaeus, Daniel Solander, we will recognise that Iceland became an independent member of the NJF in May 1927, and the fact the NJF had its first congress more than a century ago. It will also have been 27 years since our last NJF congress in Iceland.
Secretary General of NJF, Professor Anna Mårtensson, and I have spent many hours in front of our computers, in meetings and on the telephone to make this 27th Congress go from idea to reality. The organising committee is currently working with the preparations of the congress and the scientific committee waits eagerly to read your abstracts.
So, colleagues and friends of agriculture and Nordic-baltic collaborations, join us for a congress In Real Life, being a fresh start after two years with digital meetings and Covid-19 restrictions.
We would like to hear your research, ideas and ongoing projects, we look forward meeting you, to discuss study tours and joint applications, and we would like to share our results and have a pint of beer.
Join us for the NJF Centennial Congress in Iceland 2022! Registration is now open.

Best wishes
Fredrik Fogelberg, President, NJF 2016 – 2022
NJF President can be contacted by e-mail Fredrik.Fogelberg@ri.se or tel: +46 10 516 69 08
NJF Secr. Gen. can be contacted by e-mail: Anna.Martensson@slu.se or tel: +46 18 67 12 22
Supporters and sponsors
Nordic Association of Agricultural Science
Nordic Association of Agricultural Science – Swedish National Association
TFTAK – Technology Centre of Food and Fermentation, Estonia
Embassy of Sweden, Iceland
Our Nordic-Baltic bonds in agriculture