Latvia Scientific and Practical Seminar dedicated to the Scientific Heritage of Professor Ervids Grinovskis on Digitalization in the Bioeconomy, 24th-26th of May, 2023, Jelgava, Latvia.
The Faculty of Economics and Social Development (ESAF), Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LBTU), held an annual scientific and practical seminar dedicated to the scientific heritage of professor Ervids Grinovskis, and this year the theme of the seminar was Digitalization in the Bioeconomy.
Students and teaching personnel, including NJF members, were invited to participate in the seminar. In the seminar, experts from various fields shared best practices and analysed the essential role of digitalization in the bioeconomy sector.
The seminar was opened by NJF member, researcher and associate professor of the Institute of Economics and Regional Development Dr Sandija Zēverte-Rivža with a report on “Digitalization in Bioeconomy Companies in Latvia”, followed by NJF member, leading researcher of the Institute of Energetics of the Faculty of Engineering Dr. Vitalijs Osadcuks with a report on “Trends and Problems in and Prospects for Agricultural Robotization” and associate professor of the Faculty of Information Technologies, leading researcher Dr. Aleksejs Zacepins with a report Digital Solutions in Beekeeping.
In continuation, a report “Introduction of Digital Solutions into the Food Sector in Vidzeme on the Way to a Knowledge-based Bioeconomy “ was presented to the audience by project manager Maija Rieksta from Vidzeme planning region and, at the end, assistant professor of the Institute of Economics and Regional Development, researcher Dr. oec. Līga Proshkina talked about “Professional Development for the Use of Food By-products”.
The Latvian NJF members also actively participated in the continuous International scientific conference Challengers of Economics, Education and Society Development in the Nordic – Baltic Countries and beyond organised by the Nordic Association of Agricultural Science (NJF).