Become a member of NJF
As a member of NJF, you are entitled to attend our conferences, workshops and other activities at reduced price, but above all, you can make valuable contacts with other scientists and experts in your field. You can be connected to specific sections if you want, see the list below. You have a discount if you want to subscribe on our journals and you can participate in programmes arranged by the International Fertiliser Society at a reduced price
Sections: Animals, Economics, Environment, Plants, Reindeer, Technology
Annual membership fees:
Country | Regular | Retired | |
Denmark (DKK) | 340 | 170 | |
Finland (EUR) | 25 | 12,50 | |
Iceland (ISK) | 3400 | 1700 | |
Norway (NOK) | 300 | 150 | |
Sweden (SEK) | 300 | 150 | |
Estonia (EUR) | 20 | 10 | |
Lithuania (EUR) | 20 | 10 | |
Latvia (EUR) | 20 | 10 | |
Other (EUR) | 30 | 15 |
Honorary member does not pay any fee.
Retired = person above the age of 65 years.