About NJF

NJF was founded in 1918 and is thus the oldest Nordic (today Nordic-Baltic) Agricultural sciences association for collaboration between the Nordic countries. Our objective is to promote agricultural research in the Nordic-Baltic countries. We  arrange conferences, which facilitate close contacts between scientists, advisors and end-users of knowledge. Our vision is an efficient and sustainable utilization of our agricultural and horticultural resources. Our members are engaged in research, education, extension, administration or other public or private services in the agricultural sector. The sections are NJF’s professional bodies, with responsibility for their respective areas.

By being a member you are entitled to attend our conferences, workshops and other activities at reduced price, but above all, you can make valuable contacts with other scientists in your field. You can also suggest and arrange workshops, excursions and conferences with the NJF organization.

The working language of NJF is English. Direct e-mails and the web are used extensively for information exchange.

Our activities are financed through membership fees and income from conferences. We are a NGO with one national association in each Nordic-Baltic country and one central organization, the Presidium.

Our members are engaged in research, education, extension, administration or other public or private services in the agricultural sector.

We  are organized in national associations in Denmark, Estonia,  Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and  Sweden.

To each scientific activity a scientific committee is appointed to secure the quality of the conference and/or other scientific activity.

NJF is registered in Sweden with the corporate identity no: 802414-1908

Bank connection

SE-105 34 Stockholm, Sweden

General international payments to NJF

Swiftcode: Swedsess
IBAN: SE 4280000832799749509155

Payment within Sweden

Bank account: 8327-9 974 950 915-5
Bankgiro: 5688-7961

Membership fee payments to  NJF

All invoices from countries outside Sweden will be paid to a bank account with IBAN-No. and the receiving bank’s Swift code (Bic).

Note that NJF for certain occasions (conferences, member activities et cetera) may use another bank account.

Honorary members

NJF Statutes

In December 2023, the board of NJF adopted new statutes for NJF. The new statutes introduced a streamlined structure for NJF.